Is your Med Tech sales team prepared to engage in a changed healthcare sales environment?

Live Onsite Medical Sales

Onsite Live Medical Sales

Meeting face-to-face, in-person with HCPs and other stakeholders is more valuable than ever. Can each member of your sales team schedule ini-person meetings as needed? Are there fully prepared to make each encounter maximally effective?

Virtual Medical Sales

Virtual Medical Sales

Virtual medical selling is here to stay. It’s a required skills set for all medical reps. It demands different skills and awareness compared to selling in-person. Can your sales team use this powerful technology to increase opportunities and enhance in-person selling?

Empower your medical sales team to seize new opportunities as healthcare transitions to a new phase.

As doctors, dentists, and other HCPs face new urgent challenges that consume their time, medical sales representatives must make the most of EVERY customer interaction to drive sales.

Especially During Times of Crisis and Change

Real-time, Relevance-based Selling™ Opens Doors & Generates Sales

Whereas some healthcare suppliers experience declining medical sales during times of crisis and change, others enjoy record sales. Sales success regardless of market conditions has always been defined by one word:


During times of crisis or change, conveying relevance is more important than ever. Simple, but not easy. Here’s why…

Many medical device and life sciences companies train their reps to assume relevance. This is a mistake, especially during crisis.

Each HCP is an individual. While there may be similarities in the clinical approaches they use to diagnose and treat a myriad of health conditions, rarely will two see all the aspects of practice exactly the same. The subtle, but important differences among each HCP mandates that medical sales professionals take an individualized approach with each to identify and connect with relevance.

Times of crisis and change create more sales opportunities—not fewer.

We teach a proprietary medical sales methodology called RTRBS™ or Real-time Relevance-based Selling™.

RTRBS™ employs an easy-to-learn and instantly usable sales algorithm. It simplifies selling to doctors, dentists and other HCPs by allowing sales reps to easily identify issues for which each HCP has concerns at that moment.  Therefore, these issues are real-time relevant and helpful towards driving the sale. 

The training teaches medical sales representatives how to associate their products and services with confirmed real-time relevant issues to gain access, command attention, and advance the sales process.  

When medical salespeople position products and services according to real-time relevant needs (as opposed to positioning based on a prospect’s position or title), the prospect’s interest is amplified. This multiplies sales opportunities far beyond scripted selling and blanket positioning statements.

In the “New Normal” of Healthcare Sales, Medical Sales Representatives Who Are Unable To Access Decision-makers Consistently and Convey Real-time Relevance Are Doomed To Failure.

Enable Your Sales Representatives to Access HCPs and Other Stakeholders Consistently

Medical sales representatives face multiple challenges accessing healthcare decision-makers:

  • Hospitals and clinics carefully controlling access. Salespeople are allowed only when the need or value is clear. 
  • Doctors, dentists and other HCPs have higher patient loads. Uninterrupted clinical time is carefully guarded.
  • Almost half the doctors surveyed in the U.S. say they deny access to medical sales reps because they fail to see value in spending time with them. Spending time with sales reps remains a low priority for many HCPs.
  • HCPs are focused on fixing what’s broken, not what’s working. They’re less inclined to seek improvement for acceptable products.
  • HCPs and other stakeholders commoditize products that are substantially similar to what they currently use. Products and services that are not easily distinguished are ignored
  • Budgets are being re-evaluated due to shifting priorities. Stakeholders are less inclined to consider products unless they’ve been budgeted.

The Sales Pilot Solution

Access. Engage. Distinguish.

We don’t just teach medical sales professionals how to sell, we teach them how to think like healthcare buyers.

Selling to healthcare is different because healthcare decision-makers think differently. Selling becomes much easier when you understand the customer’s thought processes.

Access: We teach a blended sales approach to optimize access. Doctors and others have become more comfortable with salespeople making virtual calls. As a result, they’re here to stay. Virtual sales competency must be an integral part of the medical rep’s skills set.

Engage: Engagement is based on a salesperson’s ability to identify and discuss issues that are real-time relevant for each stakeholder in the sales process. Teaching our Real-time Relevance-based Sales™ (RTRBS™) methodology in both lecture and interactive workshops ensures medical reps can gain and retain a prospect’s attention throughout a sales conversation.

Distinguish: Distinction is when HCPs and other stakeholders recognize your product/service as the best option for them and their patients. Attendees in our live and on-demand training programs learn to avoid product commoditization by distinguishing their product, themselves, and their companies in a sea of sameness. The ability to create distinction in medical sales is a multifaceted skill that relatively few salespeople have mastered.

 If you sell medical devices, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, DME, medical software, healthcare services or anything else to HCPs and healthcare facilities, we can help you create more sales opportunities and sell more!

Engage & Convert In-person Sales

Customer attention is limited. Sales reps must engage and convey relevance instantly at each contact.

Engage & Convert Virtual Sales

Selling virtually mandates attention to technology elements and a different strategy to engage than when selling in-person.

Maximize Sales With A Blended Sales Approach

Maximize Sales With A Blended Sales Approach

Combining on-site and virtual engagement more than doubles opportunities for engagement. Reps must be competent in both types and able to strategically combine them.

Help Your Salespeople Distinguish Themselves In A Sea of Sameness

Help Your Salespeople Distinguish Themselves In A Sea of Sameness

Times of crisis and overwhelm increases the commoditization of products and services by HCPs and others. Never has the need to create distinction and relevance been greater for healthcare sales professionals.

Let’s Talk!

We offer:

  • Onsite Training Workshops
  • Virtual Training Workshops
  • Asynchronous Medical Sales Training (eLearning Courses)

Call us to learn how we could help your sales team create and capitalize on new opportunities in this changed sales environment.

Call Sales Pilot Medical Sales Performance at +1.561.333.8080 or email to schedule a video or telephone call.

Have questions? Call us!

Sales Pilot Medical Sales Performance

  • Onsite & Virtual Livestreamed Medical Sales Workshops
  • Online Medical Sales Training
  • Motivational Keynotes to Address Medical Sales Needs and Challenges
  • Consulting
  • U.S. and Global
